League Rules
It is the goal of the Rainbow Golf League that all players enjoy the sport of golf and that the league support and foster growth and improvement in all members abilities in a competitive environment. To that end, standard USGA Rules are recognized with the following exceptions:
(Click to read more)League play consists of a nine-hole, individual stroke play each week. Lowest score for the nine holes wins. The League will tabulate a weekly and a cumulative score for each player and post that score on this web site under the "Scores" section, and may release a list of the top 5 scores to the media for publication. League members must arrive ready to play in a timely fashion and must play their round within the time allotted for League play. Members must have at least one other member in their foursome and play must occur during the regularly scheduled League times. Scores turned in which are not attested to by at least one other member from that group will not be accepted and a no-show score will be posted instead.
(Click to read more)Each group is responsible for designating a player in that group as scorekeeper. The scorekeeper must verify and sign the scorecard prior to leaving the course and arrange to have one other member of their foursome attest the scores by signing the card as well.
(Click to read more)Members may be absent for up to two (2) outings during the season without penalty to their cumulative score. Beyond the second absence, and in order to encourage full attendance, competition, and the continued success of the League, any individual who misses an outing thereafter will receive their average score to that date, plus five strokes. Members are encouraged to invite alternates to fill open slots.
Unplayable lie
(Click to read more)The general rule is to "play the ball down". That is, play the ball as it lies whenever in doubt as to a possible ruling. A ball resting off a grass surface due to dry weather (whether in the fairway or rough): League members are allowed to roll the ball six inches or less to improve the lie off of hardpan. A ball that comes to rest on bare soil (such as that surrounding a tree or other landscape feature) must be played as it lies or deemed unplayable per the rule below.
Out of bounds
(Click to read more)Lost, or otherwise Unplayable Ball: If a members ball is unplayable and not in a hazard, has entered a water hazard, or is unable to be located within 3 minutes, you may deem the ball unplayable, add one penalty stroke and (a) drop within two club-lengths (not nearer the hole) of where the ball lies unplayable or was lost/went out of bounds OR (b) drop any distance behind the point where the ball lay or went out of bounds (keeping that point directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped.)
Inclement Weather
(Click to read more) Course decision applies. If the course is open for play despite inclement weather, the League will play. Should the course decision be to suspend or cancel play during the League's schedule, no refund or other relief can be made. In the interest of fairness, if the League begins play which is subsequently suspended due to weather, all scores shall be calculated only up to and including the last hole that the final grouping was able to finish, regardless of whether other groups have completed their rounds.
Double Par Rule
(Click to read more)At no time should a League Member record a score on any hole that is larger than double par for that hole. This rule is intended to maintain a good pace of play. For example, if a Member is on a par 4 hole and has not holed out by their 8th shot, they are to pick up their ball, proceed to the next hole and record an 8 for that par 4.